Approved by Tamilnadu Government
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Life is two sides, people who are in need of help and people who are able to and willing to offer it. The same can be said about educational assistance to whom quality education would grant a fresh lease of life. In this age where quality education comes at a cost that not everyone can afford, there are Samaritans who are willing to offer financial assistance to those in need.

Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam had been generating its own sources of funds so far and as per policy of Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam,

A small deed by someone can create a big difference in another’s life. Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam with the help of volunteers for this purpose work towards identifying and authenticating the deserving candidate and also the cost associated with sponsoring quality education for the candidate. Depending upon the quantum of sponsorship and preferences recorded with us, details of the Sponsorship and Educational Institution for the appropriate Candidate are then made available to the benefactor. Upon confirmation the details of the Sponsorship (Candidate, Benefactor, Educational Institution etc…) are then recorded on the database, post which the Benefactor can then directly provide their contribution to the respective educational institution. On behalf of the benefactor we also maintain the academic records of those students chosen for sponsorship.

Our Bank Account Details
Indian Overseas Bank
Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam
A/C No.:038001000012384
Ponneri Branch

State Bank of India
Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam
A/C No.:11129569719
Ponneri Branch

please Issue A/C Payee Cheques in the Name of "ANBU KARANGALIN ANBU ILLAM" 80G Income Tax Exemption

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